Meet Our Team
Let us introduce you to some of the hardworking people who serve at Bonney Lake Nazarene. Interested in getting to know others on our team? Please feel free to call the church office.

Steve Ripp
Senior Pastor
“My wife Cindy and I have served as lead pastor for 30 years in three different fellowships. We love to fellowship with God’s people! The desire of our hearts is to let Christ reign in our hearts and allow others to experience His goodness.”
Cell Phone: 253-307-5972

Ron Richmond
Associate Pastor, Sunday School and Senior Adults
Pastor Ron has been an associate pastor here since 2010. He teaches the Senior Adult Sunday School class and is also the Education Director. Pastor Ron is married to Juanita, has 3 grown sons, 9 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren.Cell Phone: 253-370-0289
DeAnn Johnson
Worship Director, Church Secretary
DeAnn is the Music Co-Director and part-time church secretary. She has a desire to worship God and give the Lord praise through music. She has 6 grown children, and 21 grandkids. She also works at an elementary school as an office assistant.
Cell Phone: 253-740-8235
Crystal Wong
Worship Director
Crystal is the Music Co-Director . She has a desire to worship God and serve the Lord in anyway He directs her. Crystal comes from Guam and Hawaii and brings an island feel at times to our worship music. She also works full time for a relocation company.
church Phone: 253-863-8260

Jae Englebert
Children's Director
Jae is our Children’s Director and has a heart to reach children for Jesus that they may know him at an early age. She is married to Seth and has 2 beautiful girls. Jae is also an elementary teacher for the Bethel School District.Cell Phone: 253-392-4816